Storms are part of life and nature. Storms make for good fishing - fish go bonkers before a storm moves in, and some fish eat best when a storm is happening. Storms aren't much fun for fishermen though, the natural storms, and the man made storms that interrupt our lives.
The last month has been mostly good - but lately me and mine are riding through a personal storm. I had to sell my Jeep today - which means that my boat is grounded for a while. Last week some jerk at the boat launch backed in to my trailer, busted up one of my lights, and didn't so much as leave a note.
My other car - a Ford Taurus - decided to take a bit of a crap on me, which is going to set me back about $400 to $500. That's a big hit to my pocket book I wasn't quite ready for.
To make matters even better, we just got a 30 day notice to vacate our home - the house we just rented 3 months ago. The owner sent a note to the property managers telling them he's giving us the boot to move some of his family members in here. This blind sided the property managers - they're getting fired too - as well as us. One of the things they wanted when they rented to us was a family with stable rental history - it's what the owner professed to want, and now we're getting put out. I don't mean to sound bitter - but I hope the owner's family members trash his house and don't pay him a dime - and he regrets loosing the steady income he's gotten from this place. It took me a couple months to save the cash to move here - and now I've got less than a month to come up with the money to move again. That's going to mean extra working days - fewer fishing and family days. That sucks.
One of the decisions my wife and I are trying to make - do we sell almost all of our "stuff" - pack the rest and move to Texas, where my father lives with his family, and where my grandmother and her husband live - or do we stay here in Oregon and try to find someplace new to live on such short notice. We've been batting around the idea of going to Texas for a year now - and I can't help but wonder if all this nonsense is a sign from God that it's time for a big change. My father wants to get a business going down there and would like help getting it going - but he's not quite ready to get it in full gear yet - so I would have to find another job. That's a big sticking point - I've got a decent job here, and my son has two sets of grand parents here, vs one set down there. We have to do what's right for our entire family, not just me, not just my wife - but we need to do what's right for my boy.
I'm not sure what God's plans are - I just hope they include a parting of the clouds and a little sunshine soon.